Friday, October 25, 2013

Better The Devil You Know: Haven Profile (Wade Crocker)

Date: 10/22/2013, updated 10/31/13
Subject Name: Wade Crocker
DOB: Unknown
DOD: 05/??/2011
Gender: M
Age: Unknown
Place of Examination: Data compiled at Chandler/Hammett Investigations offices
Occupation: Day trader on Wall St., spent ~6 months additionally keeping open the Grey Gull while subject ST-BD-#### was temporarily detained within the Barn. Rarely seen performing any work-related activities, save drinking and tending bar at the Gull, however.
Marital Status: Married, separated.
Race: Troubled.
Classification: BD-####

Presents with: Subject presented initially with normal affect and minimal familiarity with the unique nature of Haven. Although he did not have occasion to refer to specific aspects of the phenomena routine to Haven he reacted with no great degree of surprise or alarm when he became entangled with one such phenomenon and remarked with casual acceptance upon the unusually high death rate of the town. Subject resisted attempts by TD-BD-#### and TL-BD-#### to facilitate his leaving of Haven; all indications are that he correctly suspected the involved parties of being less than forthright about their intentions. Subsequent to the return of his brother, subject ST-BD-####, and learning of the sexual infidelity of his wife he attempted to ingratiate himself into the company of his brother and make himself of use to the population of Haven in general and his brother in particular. Upon his exclusion from his brother's circle of trust and the lack of other intimate emotional or intellectual connections within Haven, as well as having displayed unwillingness to return to New York, the subject developed a connection with TR-BD-####, to both their detriment and her death committed by the subject. It is unclear how premeditated the act was, though whether or not he intended the murder he certainly intended to commit assault with a deadly weapon upon someone. Subject displays inconspicuous wealth and the potential for acuity of thought when not consumed by emotional issues, though his behavior and his consumption of alcohol indicate both an addictive personality and poor impulse control. Updated 10/31/13: Subject underwent extreme and rapid devolution over the course of several days, committing at minimum three additional murders with intent to commit a fourth, all of them Troubled members of the Guard. Using the Guard tattoo as an identifier, subject stalked and murdered said victims, proceeding to conceal their bodies off an apparently-uninhabited coastline within a short boat trip from Haven proper. Bodies were not concealed in adequately deep water to prevent easy discovery given access to subject's GPS data. Subject and his brother had two major altercations after subject ST-BD-####'s discovery of the dumping ground, which culminated in subject's death at the hands of Duke Crocker. It is a matter of speculation whether subject purposefully ran onto subject ST-BD-####'s knife or if he lacked all necessary control to protect himself during the fight.

Observations: Despite the subject's prior lack of experience with Haven subject displayed considerable adaptive ability and very little shock or adjustment period needed either during the geographical relocation or for assimilating the new information that survival in Haven requires. In fact, it may be argued that the subject emotionally accepts no new information that is not pursuant to his interests, thereby permitting unacceptable information to pass over him as though it did not exist, although there is less evidence that this was the case prior to his assault by Tyler while possessing his brother. His initial presentation upon arriving in Haven was that of a well-off financier and investment banker, followed by demonstrating a steep learning curve as he took over operations of his brother's business. This may be a result of having been a patron of bars often, at least often enough to become familiar with the way they are managed, or it may be the result of a higher-than-average intelligence and an ability to quickly retain and assimilate new information; more than likely it is a combination of both as being a prosperous financier does require acuity of mind and rapid ability to assimilate and process information. He did exhibit what we interpret to be genuine relief to discover that his brother was alive, as well as sincere attachment to family in general. This may have contributed to a sense of betrayal and caused greater than apparent emotional upset when he learned of his wife's infidelity; subject appears to hold traditional views as regards to the respect due to family, or at least due to the departed members of said family. Certainly this contributes to and possibly stems from his respect and admiration for Simon Crocker, a sentiment which was not contradicted by Duke Crocker in any substantive form or with any success in reaching the subject. Subject displays competitive tendencies towards his brother despite there being no living direct paternal figure, which results in a predictable dissatisfaction with the fraternal relationship exacerbated by the younger Crocker's refusal to share information. Lacking a living direct paternal figure, it is expected that this situation will escalate without resolution until the subject determines his own internal resolution.

We do not foresee the subject determining an internal and personal resolution to his insecurities in the immediate or long-term future for several reasons. Firstly, the subject is past the optimal age of self-actuated emotional lability, and his emotional responses are as close to fixed as the average adult reaches without other damage which we do not find indicated. In the subject's case it appears to be less that he is incapable of positive emotional responses so much that he lacks the support structure capable of giving him the appropriate stimuli for said positive emotional responses. Thus the information he acquires during his stay in Haven is associated with emotional responses neutral to negative, classifying the temporary relief from satisfying addictions both physiological and psychological as negative. Secondly, the subject appears to lack either the ability and skillset to self-evaluate and correct or the inclination (perhaps stemming from lack of understanding of the eventual consequences) to self-awareness, thus the subject is unwilling to forgo the temporary relief of alcohol and unable to categorize the temporary elation of the Crocker ability as another addictive substance. It is expected that subject will continue to self-medicate with one or both treatments until either he becomes reckless enough to encounter someone capable of stopping him by chance, or someone(s) elect to target him for removal from the general population. Given subject ST-BD-####'s sense of responsibility for the Crocker Trouble, it is likely that he will initiate such proceedings, though whether or not they will be sanctioned prior to completion by local authorities is as yet unknown. However, subject appears to lack any basic combat skills despite having access to hunting weaponry; it is likely that any combination of law enforcement or Guard would be able to halt his progress provided they sufficiently accounted for his lack of inhibitions and increased strength when using his Trouble.

Updated 10/31/13: Subject deteriorated within 72 hours of initial activation to textbook spree killer behavioral patterns. Despite prior manipulation of subject as well as all stressors noted here, we do not at this time believe that this deterioration was the natural consequence of subject's first murder. Two possibilities exist which are not, we must note, mutually exclusive. The first is that the method of activation influences the rapidity and severity of the addiction caused by the Crocker Trouble. The second possibility is that some additional external force caused the subject's devolution to be far more extreme than indicated by all prior behavioral markers. If the second possibility is accurate, we estimate a 78% probability that it is related to the reappearance of the low men from the Barn. Subject's death at the hands of his brother appears to have removed the Crocker Trouble from play at least temporarily, though other incidents within Haven indicate that it may be possible to at minimum exacerbate an individual's Trouble, which bears close scrutiny as to whether it is possible to trigger or re-Trouble an individual. We suspect subject at least partially intended to force his brother to kill him, thereby ideally removing the curse from their family line and, perhaps, fulfilling the ultimate goal of the Crocker Trouble.

History (Clinical): Subject was initially receptive to making an appointment but refused to commit to a date and time. Has since refused all contact.
History (Family): Father, Simon Crocker, deceased. Mother, unknown. Brother, Duke Crocker
History (Medical): No significant medical history known.
Recommended Action: Shift to Eve. Not to be trusted. Considered armed and dangerous at all times. Do not approach or engage unless subject initiates contact; methods which remove you from subject's vicinity are your primary goal but if that proves impossible, immediate and lethal force is advised.
File Closed 10/31/13 due to subject's death.

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