Monday, August 27, 2012

Appendix: Wesen Terms and Vocabulary

Bauerschwein - Farm Pig - Only one representative sample, who carried on a vengeance feud against several Blutbad. Four to five others acted as a unit, with many telltales of cult behavior. All blood feuds thus far have been initiated by the Bauerschwein, with reference to past murders on the part of the Blutbaden. Both the Bauerschwein and the Blutbad consider Bauerschwein a mild-mannered, prey species.

Blutbad - Blood Bath - With seven representative examples given, the Blutbad is the species we've seen the most of. Apart from a violent (though not necessarily short) temper when pushed, they don't seem to share much in the way of traits. We are informed that they are trouble in packs (somewhat confirmed by Natural Born Wesen) and provoked by the color red. Also that wolfsbane masks their scent/ability to smell.

Damonfeuer - Demon Fire - Two examples, father and daughter, probably not representative though indications based on the Grimm journals are that they may in fact be that psychotically territorial and inclined to fulfill draconic stereotypes.
Drang-Zorn - Compulsion Wrath - (As a point of interest, sturm und drang is a colloquial phrase roughly translating to 'storm and stress') Three examples, all within the same family unit. Two functional adults one of whom has proven impulse control issues, one child who has demonstrated violent and murderous behavior which may be as a result of impulse control issues, antisocial personality disorder, an unidentified mood disorder or some combination of the three. Said issues are described as being a consequence of puberty albeit already with abnormal manifestation due to the subject's young age, therefore it would be difficult to tell how representative of the norm this example is.

Eisbieber - Ice Beaver - Many examples! A good handful of examples prominent enough to merit mention here, however, along with covering their overall society. The primary example has demonstrated loyalty and kindheartedness, with a limited bravery shown as being unusual for his species. Several other examples are also depicted as kindhearted and, though less demonstrative of up-front confrontational bravery, when called to it one did show conspicuous courage in the face of a pervasive and long-standing threat. The remaining Eisbieber examples were depicted as very much community minded, outspoken to the point of being confrontational within their safety zone but unwilling to continue that outspokenness outside of it. Adolescent example shown recently as being just as capable of juvenile delinquency as anyone else, though it was implied that's as much due to loyalty to bad choices in friends as natural inclination.
Fuchsbau - Fox Hole (lit. Fox's Den or Earth, as a compound, in a couple different dictionaries) - Three examples, two within the same family unit. One that seemed to embody the dictum of "count your fingers after you shake their hand," one much more laid back and nurturing (though that may be related to her experiences with drug addiction as an adolescent), and one working for the Lauffeuer who presumably needs all the sneaking ability his species supposedly lends him that he can get. Further examples indicate an ability to tolerate a great deal of stress and trauma, but when cornered or sufficiently threatened, will take out your throat. (Not literally.) (Yet.)

Fuchsteufelwild - Fox devil wild - One example shown. Prominent physiological features are two acid-laced claws that cut through a variety of substances (human flesh, metal). Prominent psychological feature appears to be game-playing, wordplay in specific though other games are also present in this Wesen's pathology. The source of the Rumpelstiltskin legend. No known reason why they require games either psychologically or physiologically, though the sole example responded poorly, violently, and terminally to losing a game.
Geier - Vulture - Three or four examples, all within the same working unit. More predatory than their namesake, they still made their living off pieces of bodies. Monroe's reaction indicates that this is relatively common for this type of Wesen.

Gluhenvolk - Glow People - Two (later a third) examples given, species referred to by Rosalee and Monroe as being thought extinct. Neither of the examples given responded well to crisis, although neither of them displayed above or below average intelligence or different from average emotional responses. A settlement of Gluhenvolk was referred to as existing in a remote location. 

Grausend - henceforth known as Daemonii Aespedtsio thanks to Juliette - shuddering - A Wesen legend, seen every few generations and until recently believed to be a spirit or possession of some kind that only affected humans. Wesen are immune, though it's unclear if a Wesen-human crossbreed would be immune if they evinced no outward Wesen traits. Turns out to be a parasite/protozoa which takes up residence in the brain, affecting behavior and turning the host into a violent, immensely strong amoral being. Was, until Juliette's discovery that D. aespedtsio is susceptible to extreme cold, dealt with by killing the host, due to the fact that the host's behavior was similar to human's stories of predatory Wesen and those Wesen living among humans were justifiably afraid of a hunt.

Hasslich - Ugly, Nasty, etc. - Several representative samples, three of which stand out. Overall, all examples given are some degree of selfish, self-interested, and cruel. The Hasslich Reapers have been universally belligerent and violent, but of only average intelligence. The civilian Hasslich were crudely manipulative and enjoyed power over others, but also only of average intelligence. Both sorts seem to enjoy authority, in what limited doses they can get it.

Hexenbiest - Witch Wretch(ed thing) - Six examples that we know of, only three of which developed. Two within the same family unit and one only half-Hexen. Both women in the family unit were intelligent but unaccustomed to self-restraint and prone to poor decision-making as a result. The half-Hexen, on the other hand, is likewise intelligent but a poster-boy for self-restraint and self-control. The overarching theme of these examples seems to be quick-mindedness and the ability to multitask long-term, to solve complex problems and create equally complex solutions. Having only seen two examples who were involved in the potion-making, both within the same family unit, this aspect remains unconfirmed. Upon further information, male Hexenbieste are called Zauberbieste, though again we only have the single representative and he's a half-Zauber. The new Hexen appears old, vicious (which probably go together for many kinds of Wesen), and extremely capable of determining information about a person via scent or scent-like senses. We're accumulating data about the return of a Hexen's powers in addition to What To Expect When Your Hexen Is Expecting, but without explicitly laid out data about which is which, we'll save that for after the witch-baby's arrival.

Höllentier - Hell Animal, probably intended as Hellhound/beast - Vaguely canid, fairly similar to the Hundjager in the sense that they're all apparently brutish, kind of stupid, and poor at taking direction. Possibly so much so the last that they're unsuited for use by the Royals; the primary example we saw was so cocksure of his own badassery that he was unimpressed with a Grimm.

Hundjager - Dog Hunt - Six representative samples. Reputed to be monstrous and vicious, but the one we saw extensively was more of a passive and almost lazy sadist. This may have been because he lacked a hunting unit, or a pack; the four we see grouped together in Season of the Hexenbiest are far more inclined to a vicious parody of pack behavior, up to and including one ripping another's throat out in order to keep their master's secrets. None of these four evinced true alpha behavior, nor were they particularly intelligent in their pack behavior. Possibly representative of what happens when you don't allow their Wesen instincts free rein, or possibly just a bad batch of henchpeople.

Jagerbar - Hunt Bear - Four representative samples, all within the same family/friend unit. Three attempted to maintain their predator/hunter mentality and lifestyle, one was considerably more sedentary.
Klaustreich - Steal Wealth (at a guess) - Two on-screen examples thus far, one of them more cruel than the other but both interested more in self-advancement and self-satisfaction over the comforts or will of others. Described as charming but self-interested. One other example described, similar to the first two, but not seen onscreen. Second example given, similarly abusive though less concerned with wealth in the monetary sense and more concerned with possession of people. Real charmers, these guys.
Konigschlange - King Snake - Only one representative sample here, who's already a thug for hire. No evidence to indicate whether or not his choice of profession is influenced by his species.

Krampus - what it says on the tin - Evil!Santa, behaves exactly according to the folktales of Krampus, appears from approximately early December to the stroke of midnight on the solstice, collects naughty children and eats them. Only one representative sample, who had no idea he was even Wesen, blacked out for several weeks every December. Unclear if this is a hereditary title, a kind of Wesen of which there is only one (similar to La Llorona and El Cucuy), or if there are several spread out over the world. Last seen being given to the Wesen Council as a problem to solve, since the blackout/amnesia issues were beyond a single scooby gang's ability to address.

Lausenschlange - Lousy Snake - Only two examples here, one of them a lawyer with as many nasty lawyer tropes as possible, one of them a bartender whose primary purpose was to be a convenient body for Edgar Waltz's purposes. 

Lebensauger - Life Suck - Only one known example here which may or may not be representative, although presumably the mother was the same species. Said example displayed signs of antisocial personality disorder and a peculiar Wesen variant of body dysmorphia to the extent that it caused severe dissociation leading to two homicides and one attempted homicide. As far as is known. Does, in fact, look like/take its basis from a lamprey.
Lowen - Lion - Three representative samples (not counting the Genio Innocuo whose DNA was altered in utero), all of them varying degrees of fierce, proud, and willing to commit violence. Two of them working within the existing human system, one abusing the system for relief of his urges/impulses, though doubtful he would phrase it in those terms.
Mausherz - Mouse Heart - Two examples, one most likely not a good representative sample given that he was suffering a psychotic break at the time. However, between that and the other sample given, it seems safe to say that when a Mausherz suffers a mental break of some kind, it's usually spectacular and violent.

Pflichttreue - Duty Loyalty - White panther Wesen known for intelligence, loyalty, and fearlessness. One example given, an assassin/field agent from the Wesen Council. Given his job, impossible to tell which of his fieldcraft skills are innate and which were learned.
Raub-Kondor - Snatch Kondor - One example, a bounty hunter who tracked and killed Wesen for their skins, using a drug that delayed woge enabling him to skin them while they were in woge form. Amoral and bloodthirsty, though given that this is only one example possibly this is not representative of the species.

Reinigen - Clean/Cleaner/Cleaning - Three examples, one an overprotective and hot-tempered and defensive father, one a hot-tempered and defensive but very bright son, and one deluded-by-plague example very quickly shot by police.

Scharfblicke - Sharp Sight (or Spicy View, for extra hilarity) - Owl-based Wesen. Only one example given, with too little screen time to make a determination as to typical species traits.  

Schakal - Jackal - Two representative samples given in detail, several others given in passing including Adolf Hitler. Both detailed examples were relentless and vicious in pursuit of their goals to the point of being unnecessarily violent, though not at the expense of average caution and cunning. However, both examples given were also under compulsion from the coins of Zakynthos, which undoubtedly affected their behavior. Unaffected samples would be required to get a more accurate picture, which we received in The Hour of Death. Two new examples who were garden-variety stupid criminal types; their reactions to Nick as a Grimm must be somewhat discounted given the presence of the false Endezeichen Grimm at the time. They do, however, match prior examples for casual cruelty and relentlessness in pursuit of their goals.

Seelengut - Souls Good (or Good Souls, depending on the intended grammar structure) - Several samples given, most of them soft-spoken and well-meaning, all of them slow to anger but brutal when finally infuriated past tolerance. Only one out of the examples shown displayed vindictive tendencies lasting longer than the immediate situation; this may or may not be representative of the species as a whole. Some degree of herd mentality here, ranging from a level which is standard in a close-knit family group (and which has been displayed in the Eisbieber community as well) to the mob mentality that is a direct result of immediate danger. Which is more common and dominant is not yet known due to outside interference by a predator Wesen.

Seltenvogel - Rare Bird - One example, presumed extinct by Monroe prior to Nick's discovery of her. Depicted as shy and peaceful, though given that she was in an abusive relationship with a Klaustreich at the time as well as in the middle of growing her umbezalbar, difficult to say what species traits might be.
Siegbarste - Victory Will Burst (forth, one presumes; interesting choice) - One example so far, not counting all those times we got run over by one in our dreams. This is an interesting one both for the choice of words to smash together and for the fact that within the framework of the episode itself, the character didn't display conspicuous reasoning ability. However, in a deleted scene that was presumably cut for time and not to alter characterization, the character displayed both cunning and a decent amount of intelligence. It might be safe to assume that this species is not so typical of the usual Brains or Brawn but not Both stereotype usually played out.

Spinnetod - Spider Death - Four representative samples, three within the same family unit. One who deliberately removed herself from society in order to prevent herself from carrying out the ritual murders to stay alive, one who stayed with her family and committed the requisite murders until caught and imprisoned prior to the final murder. One male who apparently doesn't have the same biological imperatives as the females of the species, and their daughter whose status is as yet unknown, though it was implied she would repeat her mother's patterns.

Stangebär - Stick Bear - One representative sample given, affected by the Yellow Plague, therefore none of its behaviors can be taken as typical. 

Steinadler - Stone Eagle - One representative sample given, likewise affected by the coins of Zakynthos. Said example showed great calm in stressful situations, even when in "withdrawal" from the coins, unusual reasoning capabilities and little affect. While not displaying a preference for logic and rationality over emotion, he certainly was governed little by emotion and more by what seemed advantageous or appropriate for the moment. Second example (3x11) given, also ex-military, difficult to determine species traits due to extreme trauma though she, too, appeared to at least attempt to use logic, rationality, and the rule of law to justify her emotional needs and desires.

Wendigo - An actual myth, as most people know by now. Called cannibals who live off human flesh, although if they're truly a different species wouldn't that make them carnivorous predators? One example seen in detail, two given, both within the same family unit though the Grimm journals tend to back up the overall impression. Not particularly intelligent, considering they tend to shit where they live, burying the bones of their victims around/under their houses.

Wildermen - Wild Man - Four examples, none of whom can be considered representative of the species based on drug interference with their behavior. Based on Monroe's assessment and personal knowledge of the type, they tend to be solitary and nature-loving, as their name would suggest.

Wildesheer - Wild Hunt - Contrary to the Celtic mythology with which this name would be most readily associated, this Wesen type appears to be most similar to, and the progenitor of, the berserker stereotype. As with many s3 Wesen, has no fear of death, and believes that scalping his victims - who must all be warriors - and creating a coat of the scalps gives him their power. Unclear if this belief is accurate yet, as we have only one example of this type and as yet he's only gone up against normal humans.

Ziegvolk - Goat Person - One example so far, fitting fairly close to the stereotype given by Monroe. Ladies' man, setting himself up in a situation where he can breed a selection of women and then naff off afterwards. Not much personality given apart from jovial and interested in sex.

Umbezalbar - within affordable, or more metaphorically, hidden treasure. A stone hidden in the throat of a Seltenvogel.

Lauffeuer - wildfire - The Resistance movement against the Royals and the Verrat. Notably this name for the Resistance has only appeared once, spoken by Wesen (Cat and Mouse 1x18)
Verrat - betrayal - Wesen enforcers working with the Royals who employ a number of Reapers; the exact nature of overlap is unknown.
zaubertrank - magic water, magic potion - Exactly what it says on the tin.

dunkelkatzenpissen - black cat piss - Yeah. We'll be over here laughing at Monroe.

Endezeichen Grimm - end sign Grimm - A type of Grimm known for killing all Wesen, women children and pets, and branding anyone and anything associated with them. Dates back to post-Fourth Crusade, supposedly no longer in existence, borne out by the fact that the false Endezeichen was actually a Wesen, as far as we're aware at this time.

Sterbestunde - hour of death, or more literally dying hour - Name for what the Endezeichen Grimms brought with them, also the term for the stylized G brand they used in their violence against Wesen.

Alptraume für Wesenkinder - nightmares for Wesen children - The book of stories about Grimms and/or Endezeichen Grimms that is, apparently, passed along in either written or oral form to Wesen with any connection to their past. 

Gesetzbuch Ehrencodex - law book honor codex, literally - The codified laws and rules ensuring all Wesen behave in a manner conducive to getting along at least with humans and presumably with other Wesen. The most important of these, which seems to stand for the group of laws as a whole, is the one where You Do Not Reveal Yourself To The Humans, Because Pitchforks And Torches, That's Why, Dumbshit

Kehrseite - literally turned side, or flip side - Humans who know nothing about Wesen, ordinary humans.

Kehrseite schlichkennen - flip side secret-knowing - Humans who know about Wesen and have been through the process of acclimating to woge

woge - wave or welter, literally - the act of transforming from human form to Wesen form or face

keilhacke - key or wedge pickax, if our hearing was correct - A hand of Glory-esque digging implement used in 3x01 The Ungrateful Dead

umkippen - to turn, collapse, knock over, etc. - What happens when a Wesen woges too often and loses themselves to animal instincts. There are apparently clinics for rehabilitation, though no indication how successful they are.


Manticore - what it says on the tin - Two examples given, both in the military, both male. Aggressive, intelligent, unafraid of death. One example values human-parallel honor and duty; the other appeared to primarily value loyalty and enlightened self-interest, not in that order.

Mellifer - honeybee? - Three examples with any amount of screen time, two males displaying little leadership or even independent complex thought capability, one female displaying leadership qualities but also a rigidity of thought in terms of good vs evil, her side vs the other side. 

Naiads - Mermen and mermaids. Water-based, have gills and the ability to swim incredibly quickly despite apparent lack of a tail in woge form. Do have finned hands (and, one assumes, feet), claws, some ability to see underwater. Die of dehydration if forced out of water for ~24 hours; no stated difference between saltwater and freshwater. Resultant tendency to extremely isolated and tight-knit communities, with varying degrees of traditionalism and hidebound patriarchy. Arranged marriages between communities. Despite six examples, we thus only have two families to draw from, which cannot be considered representative.

Taureus-Armenta - bull something - One representative example with behavior modified by severe trauma. Does display traits described from the Grimm journals, including loyalty and stubbornness.


Gelumcaedus - cold cuts - We wish we were joking about that translation. Alligators in the sewers. They date back to the Roman Republic at least, and were among the warriors of the phalanxes. Currently known for hiding underground and collecting/stealing assorted valuables from above-ground homes. Paintings, candlesticks, clocks, mostly the bright and shiny types of valuables. Vicious fighters. Those shown lived in a family group of three, and were unafraid of a Grimm.

Genio Innocuo - in fake Latin, innocuous species - One and a half examples, considering the genetically altered one as half an example. Devout nearly to the point of being fanatic in the pursuit of knowledge, but generally peaceful. It is indeterminate whether this knowledge seeking is a result of the personality of the individual or an influence of the species.

decapitare - Decapitator, Beheader. (Who wants to bet Kelly Burkhardt knows that bit of history trivia?) Traditional Latin name for a Grimm, used by the Gelumcaedus.

sine mori sors prima viris, sed proxima cosi - Man's first happiness is to know how to die; his second is to be forced to die. Motto of the Lowen gladiator ring from Last Grimm Standing, quoted and translated by Renard in the same episode.

si vis pacem, para bellum - If you seek peace, prepare for war. Quoted by Waltz to Renard after invading his condo to demand information about a member of the Lauffeuer. Actual ancient Latin adage.


El Cucuy - cuckoo - Based on the mythical figure of the same name. Talons, teeth, kind of a cross between cat and bird of prey in appearance. Extremely good hearing. Unknown if this figure is genuinely Wesen or not, though the implication is at least somewhat stronger in this instance that she's Wesen. One example only, moderate geographic distribution, may only be one extant.

La Llorona - the woman in white - Probably not a Wesen in the traditional sense, and exactly like all the La Llorona myths out there. Has a woge form (term used for shorthand implications, not as indication that we think she's a Wesen) that most closely resembles a drowned corpse. One example only, wide geographic distribution, may only be one example extant. 

Murcielago - bat - Two examples given, one relatively subservient, intelligent, and caring. The other somewhat sociopathic. No indication given as to overall species traits manifesting in personality.


Cracher-Mortel - literally to spit lethal/fatal, though it can be translated as 'lethal spit' if we prefer. Which is fairly accurate, if extremely bad, French. - Puffer-fish based Wesen, only one example given with very little detail, an operative for at least the Family Renard who creates zombies and sings jauntily in French Creole as he does so. Insufficient data to make a determination on species traits at this time.

Luisant-Pecheur - literally shining fisher, which is passable French and also, if we remember right, a common enough term for otters when they were still being hunted for their pelts - Otter-based Wesen, only one example given, and while under the influence of a Musai, therefore none of his behavior can be taken as typical of the species

Mauvais Dentes - literally bad teeth - One example given, an assassin of the more brutish and less subtle variety, most likely anti-social and clearly lacking in impulse control. No indication given as to which of these are species traits and which are traits of the individual shown.

nez-souffle - literally nose-breathed/nose-blown

Anubis - Egyptian myth - Ancient cat? jackal? type Wesen that looks like a sphinx or, yes, an Anubis statue. Little known about them in present day; two examples given were very young and violently inclined to protect their ancestors from desecration by humans. History books and legends tell us that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs used to torture and mummify Wesen who resembled their theriomorphic deities, probably indicating a remote past in which the Wesen were worshiped as deities prior to being hunted as trophies.

Aswang - Filipino myth - Several examples given, all within the same family unit. Very similar to the real-world legends of baby-sucking demons similar to vampires, except in this case the Aswang must eat the first near-term fetus of her (usually if not always her) child, in order to prolong life. It is stated though not confirmed by a reliable outside source that if this fails to occur, the adult Aswang will die in very little time, a matter of months. Close-knit families, unless the younger generation is trying to escape the cycle of death and baby-munching.

Balam - jaguar - One example given, quick-tempered and obsessive, although the obsessive trait may be more related to life experiences and traumatic events rather than an innate tendency. Balam, like Nuckelavee, is an actual word meaning jaguar. Jaguars play a significant role in several Mesoamerican cultures.

Coyotl - coyote? - Several examples given, two of which are traditional western-style family oriented, domestic, peaceful types. Four or five of the others are given to visible pack behavior, with a clear leader and inclined to violence and misogynistic behavior. 

Koschei - koschei - Based very loosely on the Russian fairytale of Koschei the Deathless, of whom there was only one and who hid his heart in a variety of places so that he couldn't be killed. Grimm-style koschei have the power to heal or kill, but if they overuse their healing they appear to drain their life-force. They themselves are nearly impossible to kill; the one example shown had to will himself to die to save another. We're not touching the Rasputin-was-a-Koschei with two ten-foot poles.

Nuckelavee - An actual Scottish horse faery/demon, of the skinless nightmare variety. One example shown, and judging by people's reactions it's meant to be a truly terrifying assassin. Though competent at tracking and planning, in execution Nick easily dispatches it, making us wonder if its reputation is built more on intelligence than on brute strength.

Jaguareti - jaguar - Yet another jaguar-based Wesen. We needed two? All shown were POC; two in a family unit, the older female highly protective of the younger male. Implied that the father was Wesen as well, but less able to control his violent impulses. Other examples shown as gang members. Unclear due to the lack of depth in the subject matter whether the inclination to violence is nature or nurture.

Jinnamaru Xunte - no translation known - Possibly Swahili in origin. A fly-based Wesen, one example shown, which feeds on the tears (and perhaps related feelings) of humans, first blinding them temporarily with a red dust of parasitic nematodes, which condition becomes permanent within a matter of a day or two. No known physiological or psychological reason for them to require this sustenance, though based on behavior of the single example both exist. Only known cure is to cut out a JX's eye while it's still alive and mash it into a paste with assorted other ingredients, then apply to the eyes of the afflicted.

Musai - derived from 'muse' - An elfin Wesen based on the Leanan Sidhe, who inspire artists and creative personalities with increasing fervor and creativity while extracting love and affection from them. This usually results in the affected person being driven insane.

Volk Oxotnik - wolf hunter - The Grimm site claims this is a Russian wolfhound Wesen. We question their sanity because those were boar tusks, but whatever she was, she was patient and loyal beyond any reasonable person's limits.

Last updated 4/27/14

1 comment:

  1. Just ran across this site as I was musing wtf a "Schlichkennen" was supposed to be - that definitely is not a German word. Your translation makes sense in a Google translate kind of way (meaning "not really" ;-) ). Der Schlich is a trick, so it would be more "trick-knowing".
    Overall, nice list - after three seasons I can even read it without the habitual cringe you have as a native German speaker watching the show (and wondering why the hell they can't get a native speaker to read over the script, would take less than 10 minutes per show) ;-)
    Some quick comments on errors:
    Bauer means farmer (not farm).
    Eisbiber (not -bieber)
    The common usage for Biest is the same as in the english 'beast'
    I am pretty sure they say Ziegevolk (with the extra e) - although the correct compositum would be Ziegenvolk anyway ;-)
    it's unbezahlbar (not um-)
    and you are missing a lot of Umlaute

    Thanks for the effort.
